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Maximize Your Sailing Performance with our Standing Rigging Calculator - The Ultimate Tool for Precise Tensioning!

Standing Rigging Calculator

A Standing Rigging Calculator is a helpful tool for sailors to accurately calculate the tension and length of their boat's standing rigging.

Have you ever been out on the water, enjoying a day of sailing, when suddenly your mast starts to wobble? Or maybe you're in the middle of a race and your boat just can't seem to keep up with the competition. These are common problems faced by sailors, but did you know that they can often be solved with the use of a standing rigging calculator?

A standing rigging calculator is a tool used to determine the correct tension for the wires and cables that support a sailboat's mast and rigging. It takes into account factors such as the boat's size, weight, and sail area, as well as the type of sailing conditions it will be encountering.

By providing accurate calculations for the amount of tension needed in each wire or cable, a standing rigging calculator can help ensure that a sailboat's mast stays stable and secure while under sail. This not only makes for a more enjoyable sailing experience, but it can also improve a boat's performance, making it faster and more competitive on the water.

But why is proper tension so important in the first place? Well, think about it this way: your sailboat's mast is essentially a giant lever that's being pushed and pulled by the wind. If the tension in the wires or cables supporting it isn't balanced correctly, that lever can start to wobble or twist, leading to all sorts of problems.

For example, too much tension in the backstay (the cable that runs from the top of the mast to the back of the boat) can cause the mast to bend forward, which can lead to poor sail shape and unbalanced steering. Too little tension can lead to excessive mast rake (forward tilt) and reduced power.

The same goes for the other wires and cables that make up a sailboat's standing rigging. If the tension in the forestay (the cable that runs from the top of the mast to the front of the boat) is too loose, the mast can start to bend aft, which can lead to poor upwind performance. Too much tension can lead to excessive sag in the jib, which can reduce its efficiency.

So, as you can see, balancing the tension in a sailboat's standing rigging is crucial for optimal performance and safety on the water. And that's where a standing rigging calculator comes in.

Using a standing rigging calculator is not difficult, but it does require some basic knowledge of your sailboat's measurements and specifications. Once you input this information into the calculator, it will provide you with recommended tension settings for each wire or cable in your rigging.

Of course, these are just recommendations, and you may need to make adjustments based on your own sailing experience and preferences. But having a starting point to work from can make the process much easier and less frustrating!

If you're still not convinced of the benefits of using a standing rigging calculator, consider this: professional sailors and racing teams rely on them heavily to gain an edge over their competitors. They know that even the smallest adjustments in rig tension can make a big difference in overall performance.

So, whether you're a casual cruiser or a serious racer, investing in a standing rigging calculator could be one of the best decisions you make for your sailboat. It will help you achieve optimal rig tension, improve your boat's performance, and ultimately make your time on the water more enjoyable.

So why not give it a try?


The standing rigging on a sailboat is critical to its performance and safety. Over time, the rigging can deteriorate or become damaged, leading to problems such as mast instability or even breakage. To ensure that your sailboat's standing rigging is in good condition and properly adjusted, you need to know the correct tension for each wire. This is where a standing rigging calculator comes in handy.

What is a standing rigging calculator?

A standing rigging calculator is a tool used by sailors to determine the proper tension for the wires that hold up the mast. These wires, also known as stays and shrouds, support the mast and help to keep it stable during sailing. Proper tensioning of these wires is essential for the safety and performance of the sailboat.

How does it work?

A standing rigging calculator works by taking measurements of the sailboat's mast, boom, and forestay length. The user enters these measurements into the calculator, which then calculates the recommended tension for each of the standing rigging wires. The calculations take into account factors such as wind pressures, mast height, and sailboat weight.

Why is it important?

The tension of the standing rigging wires is critical to the performance and safety of the sailboat. If the wires are too loose, the mast can wobble or even collapse, leading to potential damage or injury. If the wires are too tight, they can put excessive strain on the mast and other components, causing them to break prematurely.

Using a Standing Rigging Calculator

Step 1: Gather Information

The first step in using a standing rigging calculator is to gather information about your sailboat's mast, boom, and forestay length. You will need the following measurements:

  • Mast height from deck to masthead
  • Boom length from aft edge of mast to aft end of boom
  • Foretriangle length from masthead to bow fitting

Step 2: Enter Information into Calculator

Once you have the required measurements, enter them into the standing rigging calculator. The calculator will then provide you with recommended tension settings for each of the standing rigging wires.

Step 3: Adjust Standing Rigging Wires

Using a tension gauge, adjust each wire to the recommended tension setting. Be sure to adjust all wires evenly to maintain balance between port and starboard sides of the sailboat.

Step 4: Check Tension Periodically

Once you have adjusted the standing rigging wires, check the tension periodically to ensure that it remains within the recommended range. This will help to prevent damage or injury from loose or over-tightened wires.


A standing rigging calculator is an essential tool for sailors who want to ensure the safety and performance of their sailboat. By using this tool, you can calculate the proper tension for each of the standing rigging wires and adjust them accordingly. This will help to prevent damage or injury from improper tensioning, and keep your sailboat sailing smoothly for years to come.

Comparison of Standing Rigging Calculators


Standing rigging is an essential aspect to keep sailing boats stable and secure while sailing. The standing rigging comprises all static load-bearing elements of a sailboat, such as wire ropes, forestay, shrouds, and lifelines. It is crucial to understand the type, strength, and length required for each component of the standing rigging. However, it is not an easy task to calculate the dimensional values and proper tensions for each element of the standing rigging. Therefore, different websites offer various online standing rigging calculators to simplify this task.

Main Criteria for Comparison

To compare the standing rigging calculators, we have used a few critical criteria. They are:
  • Availability of Calculator
  • Input Data Required
  • Accuracy of Calculation
  • Results Displayed
  • User-Friendliness

Standing Rigging Calculator #1: Sailing Fast Forward

Availability of Calculator

Sailing Fast Forward offers a unique standing rigging calculator on their website, which is free and accessible to everyone.

Input Data Required

The calculator requires basic information such as boat length, boat displacement, and rig type.

Accuracy of Calculation

Users have reported high levels of accuracy, and several professionals in the yachting industry endorse this calculator.

Results Displayed

The calculator displays all tension values for different types of wires in the standing rigging.


The website interface is user-friendly, but the calculator lacks some explanations regarding the use of tension values for various wire types and rig setups.

Standing Rigging Calculator #2: Rig-Rite

Availability of Calculator

This calculator is free, but it requires users to go to the Rig-Rite website and download the Excel file containing the program.

Input Data Required

This calculator requires a more comprehensive set of data such as mast height, boom height, stay attributes, and wire types.

Accuracy of Calculation

The results provided by the Rig-Rite calculator are precise and reliable.

Results Displayed

Apart from providing recommended tensions, this calculator also gives you any suggested improvements needed.


Users with intermediate to advanced Excel proficiency will find these calculators easy to use. However, those who do not use Excel might face a challenge in manipulating data through a spreadsheet.

Standing Rigging Calculator #3: Navtec

Availability of Calculator

Currently, Navtec does not provide an online access calculator. Users can only access the calculator on their multilingual software.

Input Data Required

The Navtec calculator requires extensively detailed input data such as pre-tension values, deflection rates, and other factors that are unfamiliar to most laymen.

Accuracy of Calculation

Navtec's performance recommendation software is known for its reliability and accuracy.

Results Displayed

This calculator displays a detailed report, which indicates the loadings on particular rig components and suggests detailed roadmaps for adjustments.


The user interface is quite outdated, making the tool somewhat challenging to access and navigate.

Comparing the Calculators

Criteria Sailing Fast Forward Rig-Rite Navtec
Availability of Calculator Free and available to everyone on their website. Free, but you need to download an Excel file from the website. Only available in Navtec's multilingual software.
Input Data Required Basic information about boat displacement and rig type. A more comprehensive set of data regarding the boat and rigging components. Extremely detailed input data, mainly for experienced sailors and professionals.
Accuracy of Calculation High level of accuracy, endorsed by various professionals in the industry. Precise and reliable results have been reported by users. Known for its high reliability and accuracy.
Results Displayed Displays all tension values for different types of wires in standing rigging. N/A Displays a detailed report with recommendations on specific rig components to adjust.
User-Friendliness User-friendly interface but with a lack of explanation on tension values for various wire types and rig setups. Easy-to-use for intermediate to advanced Excel users. Having no access to the internet is required when using this calculator. The user interface is outdated, making it somewhat challenging to access and navigate.


In conclusion, standing rigging calculators are a practical and useful tool for sailors who need to calculate wire dimensions and tension on the wire. The selection of the standing rigging calculators depends on the availability, input data required, accuracy of calculation, results displayed, and user-friendliness. After analyzing three different standing rigging calculators, we highly recommend Sail Fast Forward as the best overall calculator. Although Rig-Rite offers reliable and precise results, its usage and navigation could be problematic for some users who do not use Excel. Navtec's calculator requires detailed information from expert sailors only, and it is not easily accessible to beginners or intermediate sailors. Overall, the choice of a standing rigging calculator varies from user to user’s knowledge as well as the details required for input data.

Everything You Need to Know About Standing Rigging Calculator

What is a Standing Rigging Calculator?

The standing rigging of a boat is extremely important to its overall safety and stability. It is the system of cables, wires, and ropes that support the mast and keep it in place. The forces on the rigging are complex, making it difficult to determine the right sizing and tension settings. This is where a standing rigging calculator comes in handy. It is a tool that helps calculate needed tension and sizing requirements for staying safe and avoiding damage.

Why Use a Standing Rigging Calculator?

Without a standing rigging calculator, there is a big chance for over or under tensioning which can cause serious consequences, including damage to your boat, injury, and loss of life. A properly-tensioned rig ensures that the sails have the optimal shape which translates to better speed performance. With a standing rigging calculator, you can accurately determine the loading stresses in the cables and wires of the rigging to avoid any of these problems.

How to Use a Standing Rigging Calculator

Using a standing rigging calculator is simple if you have a few essential pieces of data. These pieces include the type, size, and permanence of the wire or cable used in the rigging, the length and height of the mast, the weight and boom length, the type and size of the sails, and the desired wind speed. Using these values, the calculator can provide guidance on which wire size and tension values will be required.

The Simple Steps

Firstly, you have to take measurements of your current rig. Get a tension gauge, take several readings at different points and heights along each wire, then average the readings. Take note of this average reading for later calculations. Once you have these measurements, you can plug them into the online standing rigging calculator. The output will be your required rigging size and tension values.

What Do The Results Mean?

When you get the results, there is usually a 'Safety Factor' multiplier, which means that the load capacity is higher than what is needed. The safety factor can be adjusted if you desire more or less. The advice is to always trust the output given by the standing rigging calculator because it has been designed with specifications like Australian Standards or American Boat and Yacht standards in mind.

Maintenance Tips

After evaluating your standing rigging using a standing rigging calculator, some steps can be taken towards maintenance to avoid any significant incidents. You may need to replace your rigging when it starts showing visible signs of wear/corrosion/fraying or becomes over-stretched.

The Benefits of Using a Standing Rigging Calculator

With a standing rigging calculator, you have the confidence in knowing you have done everything you can to ensure the safety of you and your crew while sailing. It also saves time and money by optimizing the performance of your sailboat's rigging quickly and efficiently.


Standing rigging calculators are essential in today's sailing world. It helps us avoid hazards by providing useful insights on the required wire size and tension levels for optimal performance of our sailboats. By following the simple steps to taking proper measurements and utilizing the tool, we can be confident in the safety of our boat and enjoy the pleasure of sailing.

Calculate Your Standing Rigging with Ease Using Our Standing Rigging Calculator

If you are looking for a reliable standing rigging calculator that will help you determine the right length and size of your standing rigging, you have come to the right place. At our website, we provid a high-quality standing rigging calculator that is user-friendly and comprehensive, taking into account all the necessary parameters to ensure that your mast is fitted with strong, safe, and efficient stainless steel or synthetic rigging that suits your sailing vessel.

Our standing rigging calculator has been designed to take into account the variables that affect the load applied to your standing rigging, such as sail area, displacement, wind speed, rigging material, and safe working loads. The calculator is easy to use and only requires you to input a few details about your vessel, such as the mast height, shroud angle, backstay tension, and spreader angle.

With these details, the calculator will provide you with the recommended diameter and length of wire necessary for your standing rigging. You can save time and money by using our calculator instead of relying on guesswork or trial and error when determining the right size of wire for your standing rigging.

Our standing rigging calculator is highly accurate and built with the highest standards in mind. All our calculations are based on proven formulas and are tested over time. We always update our calculator with the latest techniques and advancements to make sure that it matches the cutting edge of sailing technology and best practice.

In addition to being accurate, our standing rigging calculator is also very easy to use, and you do not require any special training or technical expertise to operate. For instance, if you need to replace your current rigging wires but are not sure of their original diameters, you only need to take some simple measurements of your existing wires, enter them into the calculator, and it will tell you what size you need to order in minutes!

Another great benefit of using our standing rigging calculator is that it can help you achieve the desired safety level for your sailing vessel. When you follow the recommendations offered by our calculator, you can be sure that your mast and rigging will withstand the loads placed on them and avoid running the risk of accidents associated with overloading or underloading your rigging.

By using our standing rigging calculator, you can also save money by making sure that you only order your rigging material from reliable manufacturers who supply quality products to guarantee safety and durability.

At our website, we urge you to use our standing rigging calculator whenever you are planning for a standing rigging replacement project, upgrading your boat's sails, or performing any other repair or maintenance work that involves your mast or rigging.

We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights into the benefits of using our standing rigging calculator. Feel free to share this information with your fellow sailors or anyone else in your network who could benefit from using our tool.

We remain committed to providing you with the best possible solutions for your sailing needs, whether through our blog articles, educational resources, or online tools such as our standing rigging calculator.

Thank you for choosing us. We look forward to serving you again in the future.

People Also Ask about Standing Rigging Calculator

What is a Standing Rigging Calculator?

A standing rigging calculator is an online tool used to determine the length and size of the wires or ropes that make up the standing rigging system on a sailboat. The calculator takes into account factors such as boat measurements, mast height, and rigging type.

How do I use a Standing Rigging Calculator?

To use a standing rigging calculator, you will need to have detailed measurements of your sailboat and its mast. You will also need to know what type of rigging you have. Once you have all the necessary information, simply input it into the calculator and it will give you the recommended wire or rope sizes and lengths for your standing rigging system.

Why is it important to have the correct standing rigging?

The standing rigging system is crucial for maintaining the stability and safety of your sailboat while sailing. If the rigging is too loose or too tight, it can affect the performance of the boat and even lead to accidents. Having the correct standing rigging ensures that your boat is performing optimally and safely.

Can I make adjustments to my standing rigging without using a calculator?

While it is possible to make adjustments to your standing rigging without using a calculator, it is not recommended. Making incorrect adjustments to your rigging can result in damage to your boat and potentially even endanger anyone onboard. It is best to use a standing rigging calculator or consult with a professional to make any changes to your rigging system.

Where can I find a standing rigging calculator?

There are several websites that offer free standing rigging calculators. Some are specific to certain brands or types of sailboats, while others are more general. A quick internet search should provide plenty of options to choose from.

People Also Ask About Standing Rigging Calculator

1. What is a standing rigging calculator?

A standing rigging calculator is a tool used in the field of sailboat rigging to determine the appropriate size and tension of the wires, cables, and other components that make up the standing rigging system. It helps ensure the rigging is properly designed to withstand the loads experienced while sailing.

2. How does a standing rigging calculator work?

A standing rigging calculator works by taking various inputs such as boat dimensions, sail area, mast height, and desired safety factors. It then uses mathematical formulas and industry standards to calculate the recommended wire diameter, rigging tension, and hardware specifications for each component of the standing rigging system.

3. Why is a standing rigging calculator important?

A standing rigging calculator is crucial in ensuring the safety and performance of a sailboat's rigging. By accurately calculating the appropriate wire diameter, tension, and hardware specifications, it helps prevent rig failure, mast collapse, and other potentially dangerous situations. It also ensures optimal performance and longevity of the rigging system.

4. Can I use a standing rigging calculator for any type of sailboat?

Yes, a standing rigging calculator can be used for various types of sailboats, including monohulls and catamarans. However, different calculators may have specific features or adjustments for certain types of boats or rigging configurations. It is always recommended to use a calculator that is suitable for your specific sailboat and rigging setup.

5. Are there any online standing rigging calculators available?

Yes, there are several online standing rigging calculators available that can be accessed for free or through paid subscriptions. These calculators often offer user-friendly interfaces and detailed instructions to guide you through the input process. Some popular online calculators include those provided by major sailboat rigging manufacturers and sailing organizations.

6. Is it necessary to consult a professional rigger even with a standing rigging calculator?

While a standing rigging calculator can provide valuable guidance, it is still recommended to consult a professional rigger, especially for complex rigging systems or if you lack experience in rigging. A professional rigger can help verify the calculations, ensure proper installation, and provide valuable insights based on their expertise and knowledge of specific boat models.

In conclusion,

A standing rigging calculator is a useful tool for sailboat owners and rigging enthusiasts to ensure the safety, performance, and longevity of their rigging systems. While it provides valuable recommendations, consulting with a professional rigger is always advisable to ensure accurate calculations and proper installation.